Merry Christmas

This year my thoughts are with the kids sitting outside The Warehouse.

I went to get tape on Christmas Eve and all I saw were kids sitting in cars, waiting for their parents to come back from buying late gifts.

Some came out with lamps and tables, some came out with off-brand Pringles and stationary.

Growing up is different for many people; all our days are unique.

I wish a good Christmas for all. A happy day, filled with joy, laughter, and rest.

Part of me knows this is not true, as the sounds of sirens on Christmas Day remind me.

It’s important to have hope and optimism. I trust that we live in a good world.

Rest, you’ve done very well

Just relax, no more, no less.

Take a break.

Have a rest.

Siesta. Relax. Decompress. Enjoy.

Your week has been wonderful.

You’ve talked to people. You’ve made people happy. You’ve learned. You’ve progressed.

And it was very good.

Remember that you’ve participated in this week.

This wonderful week is yours. A trophy to take home. A medal to wear.

Wear it proud. Tell the people, ‘I’ve completed the week, and so have you!’

The next one will come, it may be hard, there may be strife, there will be mountains to climb.

Keep going, you’re doing great

You’re doing so good!

Keep at it.

You’re here. You exist.

You have thoughts.

You have feelings.

You have emotions.

It’s okay to be tired.

It’s okay for the week to feel like a lot.

I know it’s been tough.

It’s okay.

You’ve got this.

We’re gonna make it.

You are GOOD

Look at you, you are GOOD.

You are GREAT.

You’ve woken up this morning.

You’re telling yourself “yeah, I can DO THIS today.”

Give yourself some PRAISE.

You’re out here in the world trying to get things DONE.

You are absolutely AMAZING.

You’re gonna SLAY it today.

Go DO IT today.


Sachs Family Crest

  1. Be afraid and do it anyway.
  2. Change what you can.
  3. Don’t bother what you can’t.
  4. Mending is better than ending, practice bricolage.
  5. Do not kill unless you are attacked or for your food.
  6. Do not harm little children.
  7. An artist’s best work lies just beyond his ability to understand it.
  8. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.
  9. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.
  10. Anything but the girl.
  11. When walking in open territory bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
via rocor

Tom Sachs’ Requirements

  1. The Autobiography of Malcolm X

  2. Makita Brushless Drill over Dewalt ½”

  3. The Godfather I + II

  4. Princess Monokoke

  5. The Creative Act — Marcel Duchamp

  6. 12 Combo Square — Starrett

  7. The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill

  8. McMaster-Carr Catalog

  9. Goldberg Variations — Glenn Gould

  10. The Seventh Seal

  11. Burzum — Filosofem

  12. 2″ wide Clear Packing Tape over Duct Tape

  13. Barry Lyndon

  14. The Shining

  15. A Clockwork Orange

  16. Dr Strangelove

  17. Mitutoy Caliper (veneer) 6″ or 12″

  18. Hammer 4lb Sledge

  19. 4-in-1 Screwdriver

  20. Always buy the box of 100 screws

  21. Never paint a ladder

  22. Empire of the Sun

  23. Fitzcarraldo

  24. Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage

  25. The Philosophy of Andy Warhol

  26. Charlie Parker (Ken Burns Jazz)

  27. “Star Time” 4 CD set James Brown

  28. Songs in the Key of Life

  29. Eames + Le Corbusier

via Tom Sachs

Tom Sachs’ Required Reading

As a fan of Tom’s work as well as his process and lifestyle, I have scoured the internet for Tom’s requirements, viewing, reading, and listening till I’ve reached the limit on what the great web has to offer.

  1. Seeing is Forgetting the Name of the Thing One Sees
    Lawrence Weschler
  2. The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
    Andy Warhol
  3. Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage
    Alfred Lansing
  4. The Autobiography of Malcolm X
    Malcolm X

via Tom Sachs

Mario & Louise

This is Mario and this is Louise. Louise is Mario’s Girlfriend. This is Luigi, Ken and John. They are Mario’s friends.

Today Mario and his friends are going on a camping trip. They are all ready to go with their backpacks and their clothes and their toilet paper. But Louise doesn’t want Mario to go. She wants him to fix the plumbing in their big brick house.

Mario felt sad and you could see on his face how sad he was. He wanted to go camping under the stars. Mario’s friends were sad because he couldn’t come with them on their camping trip. And you could see on their faces how sad they were.

Next week Mario was going to the movies to watch Action Movie IIwith his friends. But yet again, Louise wanted to watch Princess Diaries at home on the Television. Mario’s friends were sad because he couldn’t come with them to the movies. You could see on their faces how sad they were.

Next week Mario was going fishing with his friends. Then again, Louise wanted to go to the trendy café around the corner, and eat some scones and tea. Mario’s friends were sad because he couldn’t come with them on the boat. You could see on their faces how sad they were.

Next week… Nothing happened. Mario’s friends didn’t ask him to come fishing, or boating, or motorbiking or anything. You could see on his face how sad he was. Mario has no friends now because he didn’t go with his friends on their adventures.

You could see on his face how sad he was.

The moral of the story is:

Beef Stew before Watching the View

Man Purses before Regular Purses

And, Bros before, Girls


The First Creative

I was thinking about this one person. The one person that started all the creativity in this world. I really wonder about this person. There’s so many things that we can relate to this person, in terms of their creativity.

Creativity really hasn’t changed that much at all. From the first creation, to today where someone is creating constantly, every day, hour, minute, and second. There’s so much constant creation in the world.

It gets to the point where the way we started something in the past, is exactly the same as here, in the present. If you really think about it, you can only start something one possible way; with an idea, made by you.


We will almost definitely never know who this person was, and what they created, what they were thinking, and how they thought it was actually a good idea to start this crazy thing, we all know and call art. All we can go off are ideas that come out of our heads, and come out in our tools we use to preserve these many amounts of creative ideas and thoughts.

This amazing person who was the first creator would have made something very simple. Something very simple. Down to the simplicity of 0 or 1. Almost like light and dark, or day and night. An extremely simple and brilliant piece of what we call art.

Like a tune, a few words, a sculpture, or a movement. Simple things you can transport in your hands or mind, share easily, and pass on with ease.


No complicated things are easily shareable. Think of a time you tried to share a detailed lengthily article about, “The Comparison of Two Electoral Party’s Policy’s.” That seems extremely complicated and to be honest, quite boring.

Though it may be interesting and very helpful to the people of our day, people seem to enjoy things more enjoyable and fun. Like, a picture of a white cat, in a white basket, on top of a pine wooden dressing table, surrounded with red roses, with a red bow to the side. These things tend to be ten times easier to share. It would definitely be more enjoyable ,fun and cute. But in short it just takes up less attention and time.

To complicate these simple things (a tune, a few words, a sculpture, or a movement), they would have been something very similar to a song, a poem(or piece of writing), an artwork, or a dance. They’re all small portable things you can sing, say, produce, and perform. All these simple things are also easily memorable, and catchy.

Love and Care for Art

One key element of this persons creativity and their creations, is loving and caring for this piece of art.

You can’t point out a rock and say, “Art!” Now it’s great that you said that it was art, but this doesn’t actually mean it is “art”. Theres no point to this rock you have called art if you have no intention of loving, or caring for the rock. Theres no point to any art if you don’t love and care about it in any way at all.

What if you put a bunch of rocks in a circle, then say “Art!” This still doesn’t mean anything unless you, and only you, love and truly care for this creation you have just produced. Art doesn’t have to have meaning either. You can look at those rocks in the shape of a circle and say “Art! Because they’re in a circle!” But this doesn’t matter either. Unless you love and care for it, your circle of rocks is just a conveniently placed bunch of rocks. That is all your circle is, and ever was. Unless you love it, and care for it.

Eventually you will have to leave your circle of rocks. Then your art may be no more. You may stop caring for it, stop seeing it, stop thinking about your extraordinary bunch of rocks.

Will you stop loving it?

It’s almost impossible for you to stop loving your creation. If you truly love your creation, from the bottom of your heart, there’s no stopping you. It is there, safe inside your heart to stay.

One day you may choose to stop loving it. Maybe you decided you don’t like it anymore, or maybe you created a better, more exciting and amazing piece of art. But still, you, and only you, can choose to stop loving and caring for your art.

Only then is art, not art.

The point of creating something isn’t for revenue, attention, or even a simple like.

It’s for personal entertainment.

Some people will like your creativity. They will show other people, and these other people may like it too. Who knows, maybe your art and creativity will be very well known, and that’s also great.

These days everyone is a creative. There’s just so much creation in the world, it’s so easy not to create anything at all. To just stop and stare at everyone else creating in the world.

To just, consume.

The ability to consume and enjoy things is a massive curse on everyone. It stops a lot of creation in the world. Even if the whole aim is to create.

Too much consumption, ends creation.

People shouldn’t create for an audience or a company. Creation started from one person, and should stay with one person.

You need to create for you.
