Write how you talk

Paul Graham encourages me further to use natural language in writing.

You don’t need complex sentences to express complex ideas.

Informal language is the athletic clothing of ideas.

Paul Gragam via The Jolly Teapot

Apple Vegan Pizza

Eddy Cue: … It was just the two of us up on the fourth floor in the boardroom. We started at 10. I was working on the online store and we were trying to come up with all the things associated with it. By 1, he says, “Hey, are you hungry, because I am.” Six pizzas came in. I’m like, “OK, they must have not known which kind we wanted so they provided a bunch.” I took the first one and it was pizza dough with tomato sauce and onions, no cheese or anything else. The next one, same thing. So I’m like, “All right, now I get it—the first three are his.” I open the fourth one—same thing. Six pizzas, all dough and tomatoes and onions. That’s how I discovered that his idea of pizza and my idea of pizza were definitely something different.

via Wired


A word game you can only play once per day.

Unassuming. Doesn’t ask for anything. The perfect amount of challenge for one day.

Wordle via Daring Fireball

3,600 years ago, an asteroid explodes over a city

The shocked city dwellers who stared at it were blinded instantly. Air temperatures rapidly rose above 2,000 degrees Celsius. Clothing and wood immediately burst into flames. Swords, spears, mudbricks, and pottery began to melt. Almost immediately, the entire city was on fire.

It’s possible that an oral description of the city’s destruction may have been handed down for generations until it was recorded as the story of Biblical Sodom. The Bible describes the devastation of an urban center near the Dead Sea: stones and fire fell from the sky, more than one city was destroyed, thick smoke rose from the fires, and city inhabitants were killed.

Singulatiry Hub via Interconnected

Card games

Card games I’ve enjoyed with larger groups of 6:

Exploding Kittens

I’ve never played anything like it. The aim is to notget a card from the deck. 


A bean trading game based on supply and demand, very fun, very fascinating. 


An unconventional matching game, great for creative problem solving.

via Dan Cullum


I continue to learn that I am still growing up.

I’d like to be arrogant and say I am a fully grown man, but I am not fully developed.

There are many times my process of thinking and behaviour will change with no external influence. I’ll further remove myself from younger habits.

The value of relationships.

Little seeds to plant and grow. Free gold.

Encourage people relentlessly.

Simplicity. There isn’t enough space for complexity.

Books are best. Much better than the internet or YouTube

Books encase large complete ideas. Small incomplete ideas are found on the internet.

Be sure to have fun as an adult.

Make jokes. Laugh at silly things.

Find things you enjoy and treasure them.

People may not understand why you enjoy things. Keep your treasures safe.

Sleep is the first thing; highest priority.

It is the start of the day, dictating the rest.

Keep the daily commitment; focus, centre.

Permission to write

I appreciate Dan for writing this:

I feel it sometimes when approaching certain topics on this blog; I think: there’s so much I don’t know, and there’s so many others better qualified to speak on the matter.

My words don’t have any weight. I’m not qualified to talk about anything. What right do I have to write? Who gave me permission?


Being a writer is an act of perpetual self-authorization.
No matter who you are.
Only you can authorize yourself…
No one else can authorize you.
No one.

Everything you notice is important.
If you notice something, it’s because it’s important.

via Dan Cullum