Mario & Louise

This is Mario and this is Louise. Louise is Mario’s Girlfriend. This is Luigi, Ken and John. They are Mario’s friends.

Today Mario and his friends are going on a camping trip. They are all ready to go with their backpacks and their clothes and their toilet paper. But Louise doesn’t want Mario to go. She wants him to fix the plumbing in their big brick house.

Mario felt sad and you could see on his face how sad he was. He wanted to go camping under the stars. Mario’s friends were sad because he couldn’t come with them on their camping trip. And you could see on their faces how sad they were.

Next week Mario was going to the movies to watch Action Movie IIwith his friends. But yet again, Louise wanted to watch Princess Diaries at home on the Television. Mario’s friends were sad because he couldn’t come with them to the movies. You could see on their faces how sad they were.

Next week Mario was going fishing with his friends. Then again, Louise wanted to go to the trendy café around the corner, and eat some scones and tea. Mario’s friends were sad because he couldn’t come with them on the boat. You could see on their faces how sad they were.

Next week… Nothing happened. Mario’s friends didn’t ask him to come fishing, or boating, or motorbiking or anything. You could see on his face how sad he was. Mario has no friends now because he didn’t go with his friends on their adventures.

You could see on his face how sad he was.

The moral of the story is:

Beef Stew before Watching the View

Man Purses before Regular Purses

And, Bros before, Girls