Palm Springs

A great take on Groundhog Day, with a little more heart.  

Those Lonely Island boys just keep getting better and better. 

Becky thoroughly enjoyed it. She kept asking "why have I never heard of this movie?!"

Vitamin B12

I have low B12 because I don’t eat much meat or fish.

The only way to get B12 through plants is through fortified foods. 

Fortified foods have more nutrients in their ‘walls’. Like a fortified castle. 

Fortified food that has B12:
  • Almond milk
  • Soy milk
  • Nutritional yeast
If it’s not fortified, it doesn’t have B12. 

You can also take supplements. 

Go to sleep

You don’t have the space for writing or reading. 

It is night.

The night is for stillness.
    Let us be still.

It is night after a long day.
    What has been done has been done;
    what has not been done has not been done;
    let it be.

The night is dark.
    Let our fears of the darkness of the world and of our own lives, rest.

The night is quiet.
    Let the quietness of peace enfold us,
    all dear to us,
    and all who have no peace.

The night heralds the dawn.
    Let us look expectantly to a new day,
    new joys,
    new possibilities.


Bad Sisters

Bad Sisters is on Apple TV+. Sharon Horgan stars, exec produced, and developed the show. She’s very good at what she does. I enjoyed every minute of it.

Characters were deep; I knew them well. Writing was great. Setting up characters and story was flawless; there was something new to learn in every episode.

JP is a horrific character. I cannot understate that. Just the word “mammy” makes my blood boil.

The Irish edge makes it even better.

Sleep for you, wake for me

Some couples sleep at the same time. Some don't. 

It's encouraging to show your partner it's time to sleep. People like doing the same things together, so they'll agree to do something if you do it too. 

By showing your partner it's time to sleep you're checking all the right boxes at the right times; happy partner, thinking clearly, positive outcomes, reaping what you sow, thinking ahead.  

I won't however, sleep for me and wake for you. I don't know what's best for me, so I'll go to bed late. Then I'll find it hard to wake, be tired, not thinking straight.

It's easier to know what's best for you.

I'll sleep for you, so you know it's time to sleep. And I'll wake for me, with the extra time to keep. 

Toy Story

In keeping with the theme of two, Toy Story 2 is also bigger and better. 

You see human faces, more sets, particles, reflections, and textured fabric. 

I remember watching Toy Story 2 and Shrek 2 a lot as a kid. One day Toy Story 2 was delivered to us as a VHS, and we had Shrek 2 on DVD with Far Far Away Idol; what a show!

In this way, I’ve been conditioned to enjoy the twos. With success, more people will buy the iteration. 

Because I saw these movies as a kid, I was surprised by the writing in Shrek 2 and more surprised by the scenes and assets in Toy Story 2, as well as the writing. 

My adolescent brain couldn’t see more than the centre of the frame. It also could have been that quality VHS tape.¹

  1. “Be kind, please rewind.”


I was looking into ISO 8601, a date standard: YYYY-MM-DD

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization.

ISO is also the name for film sensitivity or speed and the setting on camera sensors: ISO 400

The ISO, made ISO!

I feel slightly silly for not knowing about this.

The ISO standardised: - Film speed - Disk images, or ‘.ISO’ - The camera flash hot shoe - And many others. 

Then there’s the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission).

If IEC sounds familiar, it’s the name of a power cable or jug cord(C14/C14). The same standard is used for large Apple power bricks (C7/C8) and many others.

The IEC, made the IEC!

Then the ISO, together with the IEC, made a joint committee (JTC 1) called the Joint Photographic Experts Group, or JPEG. They also made the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG).

The JPEG, made the JPEGPNG, and many others. 

The MPEG, made the MPEG, H.264 (MP4), and H.265 (HEIC, HEVC) and many others.

You can go deeper. The world is crazy.