Wondering what to do with your life?

Here’s what I suggest:

  • First priority: Your physical health. (No health → no life.)
  • Second priority: Reasonable financial security. (No food → no health.)
  • Third priority: Good relationships with friends and family. (Depressed → no mental health.)

After that you can do whatever. The game you’re playing doesn’t have any rules and there’s no way to win.


Air filter spec percentages

Air filters easily catch both large and small particles. It’s the intermediate regime where things are hard. The size where the filter performs worst is called the Most Penetrating Particle Size (MPPS). Typically this is around 0.15 microns.

The EU HEPA filter spec—yours to download today for a bargain $1148.24—says that filters should meet their guarantees at their MPPS. An E12 filter must block 99.5% of particles at its worst-case particle size, while an H13 filter must block 99.95%.

DYNOMIGHT via Hacker News

Benjamin Franklin’s 13 Virtues of Life

  1. Temperance
    Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.

  2. Silence
    Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.

  3. Order
    Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.

  4. Resolution
    Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.

  5. Frugality
    Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; that is, waste nothing.

  6. Industry
    Lose no time; be always employ’d in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.

  7. Sincerity
    Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.

  8. Justice
    Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.

  9. Moderation
    Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.

  10. Cleanliness
    Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation.

  11. Tranquility
    Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.

  12. Chastity
    Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another’s peace or reputation.

  13. Humility
    Imitate Jesus and Socrates.

via How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

SNL Sketchbook from Colin Jost’s A Very Punchable Face

Recently I read Colin Jost’s book. In his book he mentions some titles in the SNL Sketchbook section of his memoir. I ended up watching all the sketches and added some commentary from the book.

Will Ferrell’s “Goodnight Saigon” Finale

By far the most surreal part of the performance was seeing Artie Lange standing at the end, with no idea what the hell was happening or why he was suddenly a part of this sketch. As far as I know, it’s the only time he’s appeared on SNL. And when it ends, you can hear an audience member yell, “Hey, Artie!” I don’t remember ever hearing an audience member yell something on camera, before or since.

“Red Flag Perfume”

[This] was the first thing that aired after the monologue during the season premiere, and I still have the perfume bottle, which was just a Chanel №5 bottle with a RED FLAG logo taped over it.

Drunk Uncle

It’s a testament to how great a performer Bobby Moynihan is that he could say some truly awful things and still get huge laughs.

“George W. Bush Returns Cold Open”

My favourite line was about the Iraqi reporter who threw two shoes at him during a press conference: “Shoe me once, shoe’s on you. Shoe me twice…I’m keeping those shoes.”

Can I Play That? Game Show”

You could sum up the entire sketch with this exchange between Kenan and our host, Idris Elba:

IDRIS: Isn’t that what acting is about? Becoming someone you’re not?

KENAN: Not anymore. Now it’s about becoming yourself, but with a different haircut.


I just rewatched it for the first time in ten years and the ending is a real roller coaster.

If that’s not an ending, I don’t know what is.

The Girl You Wish You Hadn’t Started a Conversation with at a Party

“There are homeless people out there who can’t even pay their mortgages.”

“People who are orphans are twice as likely to not have parents.”

“There are high school students who can’t even point out India on a map of Africa.”

“People with Ebola aren’t even sick of the Ebola. They’re sick of the hypocrity.”

Cecily is a real genius and it was pure joy to write these together.

“Diner Lobster”

Here is the header for the script we submitted in 2010 with host Zach Galifianakis:

(JOST/MULANEY)(FIRST DRAFT — March 3, 2010)                        1

DINER LOBSTER ~ Zach/Fred/Will/Andy/Jason/Kenan/Kristen/Bobby/Extras

And here is the one that aired in 2018:




The first brand they talked about was Swarovski crystals and Swarovski sent them free jewellery. We thought, Whoa, we better do one about Lamborghinis next time! We did. And then we did eleven more luxury brands after that. Never got a single free thing again. You’d think Hermès would have been more grateful that we called them “Herpes.”

“Yo! Where Jackie Chan at Right Now?”

Kenan and I shared an office for eight years at the show. But “Yo! Where Jackie Chan at Right Now?” is maybe my favourite one we ever wrote together, because the entire sketch is just Kenan and Tracy Morgan asking ten different guests, “Where Jackie Chan at?”


John Solomon and I went on a surf trip together to Puerto Rico and there was an old fancy hotel in Rincón called the Horned Dorset. We went to look at the rooms, which were way too expensive for us, and every bathroom had a bidet. The person showing us the rooms kept pointing out the bidet like it was the most important thing in the room and we thought, That could be a sketch…

“Brett Kavanaugh Cold Open”

Lindsay Shookus, who runs our talent department, reached out to Matt Damon around midnight and, despite the fact that he was in California and hadn’t seen a script yet, he said yes and got on a plane an hour later.

He landed in New York Saturday morning, slept for about forty-five minutes, drank one beer to get into character, and delivered an incredible performance. PJ, Squee, and Donkey Dong Doug would have been proud.

“The Real Housewives of Disney”

My favourite moments are when Jasmine confesses that she slept with Iago the parrot because it was dark and he was mimicking Aladdin’s voice; and when Snow White holds up her hand after bad-mouthing Cinderella and seven dwarf hands reach into frame to give her a high-five.

“Under-Underground Festival”

Mike O’Brien (who later created A.P. Bio) had the idea of doing a promo for a festival like Insane Clown Posse’s Gathering of the Juggalos, and at 2 A.M. on a writing night he said to me, “You want to brainstorm some acts that would appear at the festival?”

“Schoolhouse Rock Cold Open”

It was hard to write cold opens in the Obama era because he wasn’t on television every day attacking American companies or re-tweeting white supremacists. But he did use an executive order to circumvent Congress on immigration, and it seemed like “Schoolhouse Rock” was a way to make that subject a little more bearable. (With cold opens, anything that’s not a president talking at a desk is a win in my book.)

“Sean Spicer Press Conference”

The audience had no idea what was coming. It wasn’t even the cold open. It was, like, the fifth sketch in the show. Melissa walked out to the podium as the White House press secretary. The audience laughed and cheered in anticipation of a Sean Spicer send-up. Then, after a few seconds, they realised: Holy shit, that’s Melissa McCarthy under there!And there’s a whole second wave of applause and cheering.

“Election Night”

Once it became clear that Trump had won, all our previous ideas became sad garbage. And we said, “Maybe we should just try to write about how the night unfolded in real time. And then Dave Chappelle’s character can be the only one who sees it coming from a mile away.”

There was an extra line at dress rehearsal: “Who did you really think white women were going to vote for? A rich guy, or a woman who’s more successful than them?”

The audience was not ready to hear that!

Screen Test Sketches

More than anything, these are a testament to our wardrobe and hair departments. They prepared multiple looks for almost every single cast member in less than twenty-four hours. (Including a look for me as an ’80s production assistant. Probably my first appearance on camera.)

“Mom Celebrity Translator”

This was 100-percent based on my own mother, who is incapable of pronouncing the name of any celebrity. Even names like “Kate Hudson” she will find a way to butcher. (“Is it Cart Hummus?”)

The more troubling part is that my mom is a doctor and writes prescriptions and I can’t imagine she is pronouncing the names of drugs properly either. So if you need Valtrex, she might give you Viagra. And then the problem will only get worse.


Jorma, Andy, Jason, and I wrote this fever dream over the course of a week when we had nothing else going on in the show. Lorne had no idea we were working on it. Then on Saturday we said, “Hey…we got this thing about sloths…if you want to try it at dress rehearsal…” And somehow it snuck on the show.

Thank god Jorma and Andy had a microphone in their office so no one else had to hear us record lines like *“Shank your mom with a pterodactyl dick bone!” *or “Eat cocaine off America’s gravestone!” You know, sloth stuff.

Honorable Mention:

“Big Papi” David Ortiz on Weekend Update

“Don Draper’s Guide to Picking Up Women”

“CSI: Sarasota” with Betty White

The Miley Cyrus Show” (with Vanessa Bayer and Rob Klein)

“And a sketch about the film ‘Black Swan’ that John Solomon and I wrote for Jim Carrey, who screamed so loudly in the scene that he accidentally pooped his leotard. That’s commitment.”

Jony Ive ‘After Steve’

Steve Jobs wanted to cancel the iMac when he found it included a CD tray rather than a slot.

Jony Ive said “you’re thinking of the next iMac”.

Steve was relieved.

Jony Ive wanted to spend $25 million on a tent to introduce the Apple Watch. He would have moved 24 trees to make it work.

Tim Cook never visited the design studio. He came once to see an aluminium Leica.

Jony Ive left Apple with an exit package of over $100 million.

NY Times via MacRumors

Write how you talk

Paul Graham encourages me further to use natural language in writing.

You don’t need complex sentences to express complex ideas.

Informal language is the athletic clothing of ideas.

Paul Gragam via The Jolly Teapot

Apple Vegan Pizza

Eddy Cue: … It was just the two of us up on the fourth floor in the boardroom. We started at 10. I was working on the online store and we were trying to come up with all the things associated with it. By 1, he says, “Hey, are you hungry, because I am.” Six pizzas came in. I’m like, “OK, they must have not known which kind we wanted so they provided a bunch.” I took the first one and it was pizza dough with tomato sauce and onions, no cheese or anything else. The next one, same thing. So I’m like, “All right, now I get it—the first three are his.” I open the fourth one—same thing. Six pizzas, all dough and tomatoes and onions. That’s how I discovered that his idea of pizza and my idea of pizza were definitely something different.

via Wired


A word game you can only play once per day.

Unassuming. Doesn’t ask for anything. The perfect amount of challenge for one day.

Wordle via Daring Fireball

3,600 years ago, an asteroid explodes over a city

The shocked city dwellers who stared at it were blinded instantly. Air temperatures rapidly rose above 2,000 degrees Celsius. Clothing and wood immediately burst into flames. Swords, spears, mudbricks, and pottery began to melt. Almost immediately, the entire city was on fire.

It’s possible that an oral description of the city’s destruction may have been handed down for generations until it was recorded as the story of Biblical Sodom. The Bible describes the devastation of an urban center near the Dead Sea: stones and fire fell from the sky, more than one city was destroyed, thick smoke rose from the fires, and city inhabitants were killed.

Singulatiry Hub via Interconnected